The ePorfolio

An ePortfolio tells a holistic story about your experiences, not just in your academic career but also in your regular life. An ePortfolio brings everything together in one space that allows you to showcase all of your interests, skills, and projects. At the same time, it will help your articulate your knowledge and skills to sharpen the focus on both.

An ePortfolio allows you to present your work to the world in the ways that best suit you. Whether it's an essay, an internship, an art project, or something else, your ePortfolio will give you a chance to share your success with the rest of the world.

An important part of the Folio Project is reflection. Throughout your academic journey, you will reflect on your work and your contributions to the campus community and the broader community.

Something else goes here

Types of portfolios

Professional/showcase portfolio: Make yourself stand out to employers by using an ePortfolio to supplement your resume and cover letter.

Integrative portfolio: Pull from a wide range of sources to give viewers a zoomed out sense of your interests, hobbies, skills, or projects. This type of ePortfolio tells people who you are.

Learning portfolio: Consider this an online version of a course binder or notebook.

Tips for reflective writing

Reflective writing can be challenging because we do not get to practice it often. Part of the Folio Project, and the broader Collaborate Quest (CQ), is to encourage reflective thinking and writing. Here are some tips to structure your reflectiong.

Start with the past

Move to the present

Finish with the future

Need to add a FAQ somewhere.

Add a section on getting started.

Add a section on good design/bad design with examples.